Friday 18 July 2014

Effort Estimation Management: What you need to Know?

Effort estimation is the procedure of estimating the overall effort required to complete any software development project. A careful estimation plays a pivotal role where over estimation will kill a project and under-estimation will ruin the effort. A thorough and detailed effort estimation will generate huge information and thus can be said it is not only limited to effort and duration. Based on the estimations the information generated will be used to plan the project, determine the budget, analyze the investment and other procedure required for the software development.

As already mentioned thorough effort estimation generates huge information and thus here are others uses of such information. Project managers use the information to distribute the resources among the team members and chalk a time plan required to finish the project. Good effort estimation is the one that identifies resources required to finish the project followed by understanding the gap created because of limited presently available resources.

One of the key challenges to conduct accurate effort estimation is acquiring the information. During the primary stage of estimation information available is completely based on previously completed software development. In case if the nature of the future upcoming project doesn’t match with the previous one then there are hardly any information remains for estimating effort. But as the project moves forward adequate information flows in to make the effort estimation close to accuracy.

Effort estimation management must also be paid attention to ensure that information are managed successfully and distributed to the right person. An effective management ensures that new flow of information is thoroughly managed and gets distributed among the persons who require starting the project and finishing it according to the expected deadline. 
During effort estimation it is important to keep in mind that every step is explainable and each of the team members have clear idea that how they are going to start the work assigned to each of them. When a software project development begins with clear understanding it can be expected that the other following procedure will be seamless.

Effort estimation might sound simple, but it is a job of skills, experience and thorough understanding of the software project.

For more information please visit at

Wednesday 16 July 2014

Selecting Requirements Management Tools

Gathering as well as managing requirements is very important segment in a software development project. When requirement of any project is managed from the beginning the development procedure experiences smoothness while the team successfully meets the deadline. In the initial stage many companies rely on Microsoft word but as project moves forward a need to manage the ever changing project requirement more effectively in a time saving manner arise. Hence, requirements management tools comes in rescue and if you or your company is planning to invest on such tools here are few tips to select the right one.

Understand your Requirements: Before you take any decision to buy the tool try to understand why you need such tools for. In fact decisions should be taken keeping in mind that these tools will be used in future also and hence it must have certain features to stay in working condition. Also understand how large your projects are and what do you expect from such tools. An ideal tool is the one that serves your need today, but will also grow with you and your company that gives us the second important aspect, customization.

Customization: During searching you will come across tools with lots and lots of feature and hence will be tempted to go for those. But it would be sensible to select a tool that is customizable but might have fewer features. The point is select a tool that fits your organization and doesn’t force to follow a certain methodology or framework that might cost you more in long-term and hence brings our third aspect, costing.

Costing: Make sure that RM tools you are going for doesn’t have any hidden cost. Hidden cost might include support fees, set-up fees etc. Have a thorough conversation with the vendors you have selected to detect such fees followed by calculating ROI. It also gives you the budget you require to invest. Sometimes vendors charge for mandatory training because the selected RM tool is difficult to use and that brings us the fourth aspect, ease of use.
Ease of Use: No matter how many feature or how cost-effective a RM tool is always avoid tools that are very complex to use. It might save your money, but when RM tools are too complex the users will stop using it leading to complete waste of the allotted budget. Carefully choose your RM tools and if possible go for the trial version to get the real picture and evaluate accordingly.